Jan. 29 – Mar. 5, 2018
Monday evenings

7:30 - 8:45 p.m.

@ Candler Park Yoga Studio

Low pressure ~ High pleasure!
All levels of experience welcome ~ Music reading is not a prerequisite
Early Registration Discount: $90 paid by JAN. 22, 2018
$105 after JAN. 22, 2018
Send check to: EMWorld Records, PO Box 148, Pine GA 30072
More info: 404-297-8398
Wave After Wave
“More than any other nation on Earth, America has constantly drawn strength and spirit from wave after wave of immigrants. In each generation, they have proved to be the most restless, the most adventurous, the most innovative, the most industrious of people. Bearing different memories, honoring different heritages, they have strengthened our economy, enriched our culture, renewed our promise of freedom and opportunity for all….”
-- President Bill Clinton

Our country has been built upon wave after wave of immigrants and refugees. And yet, now more than ever, they face wave after wave of opposition and oppression: the Muslim ban, the broken promises to the Dreamers, the ruptured ICE system (immigration and customs enforcement), the threat of the border wall, the exploitation of farm workers and the severe reduction of those able to enter our country.

On Jan 26, we will immerse ourselves in the waters of a Shabbat Shirah service with a call to love the refugee, because we know the heart of the refugee as we too, have come from refugees. Like the sea itself, there is an ebb and flow of oppression and freedom. Remembering the Exodus demands that we attune our ears to the cry of the oppressed and hear their story -- the suffering and struggle, as well as the courage, strength and places of hope. Just as there are waves of obstacles, there are those of liberation. A service filled with music supported by the CBH Chorus and Band, we will lift our spirits in songs of celebration and hope.

w/ musical guests

David Marcus


The Global Village Chorus led by Elise Witt

ATL Circle Sing Jan 20, 2018 ECONG
Athens Workshop & Concert Jan. 27

SAT. JAN. 27

2:00 - 5:00 pm

An Impromptu Glorious Chorus™

Vocal Workshop / Community Sing

7:00 p.m.

A Concert of Global, Local & Homemade Songs™

Sangha Yoga Studio @ Healing Arts Centre

Athens GA


Elise's Upcoming Schedule

Jan. 6-15 ~ Hakalau HI

It's All Music w/Rhiannon & Laurence Hobgood @ Leo Nani Farms

Jan. 20 ~ Atlanta GA

ATL Free Public Fully Improvised Sing @ Existential Congregation of Atlanta

Jan. 26 ~ Decatur GA

Shabbat Shirah Service w/Congregation Bet Haverim, David Marcus, Global Village Chorus @ Oakhurst Baptist Church

Jan. 27 ~ Athens GA

2:00 - 5:00 p.m. An Impromptu Glorious Chorus™
5:30 p.m. Vegetarian Pot Luck Dinner
7:00 p.m. Concert of Global, Local & Homemade Songs™
@ Sangha Yoga Studio, Healing Arts Centre

Jan. 29 - Mar. 5 ~ Atlanta GA

7:30 - 8:45 p.m. Singing for Fun for Everyone ~ 6-week series @ Candler Park Yoga Studio

Feb. 9 ~ Decatur GA

2:00 p.m. Authors' Tea @ The Global Village Project

Feb. 24 ~ Atlanta GA

ATL Free Public Fully Improvised Sing (Details TBA)

Mar. 9 ~ Raleigh NC

1:30 & 2:30 p.m. A Musical Trip Around the World @ Smith Elementary School

Mar. 10 ~ Durham NC

2:00 - 5:00 p.m. An Impromptu Glorious Chorus™ vocal workshop / community sing @ private home, details upon registration

Mar. 12 - April 16 ~ Atlanta GA

7:30 - 8:45 p.m. Singing for Fun for Everyone ~ 6-week series @ Candler Park Yoga Studio

April 7 ~ Raleigh NC

NATURAL RHYTHMS Residency w/Terry Garthwaite & Becky Reardon, Elise Witt
2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Singing Workshop / Community Sing
5:30 p.m. Pot Luck Dinner
7:00 p.m.Concert
@ West Raleigh Presbyterian Church

April 13 ~ Decatur GA

2:00 p.m. Authors' Tea @ The Global Village Project

April 20 ~ Atlanta GA

Space is the Place - multi-media, multi-disciplinary celebration @ Drew Charter School

April 23 - May 15 ~ Atlanta GA

7:30 - 8:45 p.m. Singing for Fun for Everyone ~ 5-week series @ Candler Park Yoga Studio

April 24 ~ Decatur GA

Global Village Chorus sings @ Decatur Library

May 2 ~ Atlanta GA

Spring Concert @ Drew Charter School

July 7 ~ Florence MA

An Impromptu Glorious Chorus™ vocal workshop / community sing @ Florence Civic Center

July 14 ~ Somerville MA

An Impromptu Glorious Chorus™ vocal workshop / community sing @ Third Life Studio

July 28 - Aug. 5 ~ Mad River Valley VT

All the Way In singers summit w/Rhiannon @ Knoll Farm

Aug. 7 - 12 ~ Arden NC

Alternate ROOTS Week @ Lutheridge

Oct. 26-28 ~ Atlanta NC

Rhiannon in Atlanta - details TBA

Nov. 8-11 ~ Pt. Richmond, Pt. Reyes, Santa Rosa CA

NATURAL RHYTHMS Concerts & Workshops w/Terry Garthwaite & Becky Reardon, Elise Witt


June ~ Brasstown NC

An Impromptu Glorious Chorus™/ Harmony Singing for All - A week-long singing workshop in the beautiful NC mountains @ John C. Campbell Folk School (date and details TBA)