Our country has been built upon wave after wave of immigrants and refugees. And yet, now more than ever, they face wave after wave of opposition and oppression: the Muslim ban, the broken promises to the Dreamers, the ruptured ICE system (Immigration and Customs Enforcement System), the threat of the border wall, the exploitation of farm workers and the severe reduction in numbers of those able to enter our country.
On Jan. 26, we will immerse ourselves in the waters of Shabbat Shirah with a call to love the refugee because know the heart of the refugee as we, too, come from refugees. Like the sea itself, there is an ebb and flow of oppression and freedom. Remembering the Exodus demands that we attune our ears to the cry of the oppressed and hear their story — the suffering and struggle, as well as the courage, strength and places of hope. Just as there are waves of obstacles, there are those of liberation.
With musical guests