Alternate ROOTS is a coalition of artists who work at the intersection of art and activism. ROOTS has been a font of inspiration since I first joined in 1978, and many of my artistic collaborations have been with ROOTers. “Five Women from the South” brought me together with Jo Carson, Linda Parris-Bailey, Paula Larke & Celeste Miller.
SOAW – School of the Americas Watch
It’s been an honor to be part of the Musicians’ Collective for the School of the Americas Watch for the last 6 years. Over 20,000 people gather each November to commemorate the murder of Bishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador, and to demonstrate the urgent need to shut down the SOA aka School of Assassins.
Local 1000
I am a proud member of the American Federation of Musicians Local 1000, a non-geographical local of traveling musicians from across the United States and Canada.