by Becky Reardon
Learning the land forms is really a snap
The first thing you do is look at a map
If the color is brown, it’s the highlands
If the color is green, it’s the lowlands
But if it’s blue, blue is your clue
If it’s blue, it’s water
Blue like rivers and oceans
Rivers and oceans are colored in blue
Green are valleys and deserts
Valleys and deserts in the low lands
But up in the highlands what do you see?
Volcanoes and mountains like the Pelopennese
Blue like gulfs and lakes
Gulfs and lakes are colored in blue
Green are beaches and islands
Beaches and islands in the lowlands
But up in the highlands what do you see?
Plateaus and cliffs that are rugged and steep
Blue like seas and straits
Seas and straits are colored in blue
Green are beaches and islands
Beaches and islands in the lowlands
But up in the highlands what do you see?
Mesas and hills where they’re grazing their sheep.