Alternate ROOTS is a coalition of artists who work at the intersection of art and activism. ROOTS has been a font of inspiration since I first joined in 1978, and many of my artistic collaborations have been with ROOTers. “Five Women from the South” brought me together with Jo Carson, Linda Parris-Bailey, Paula Larke & Celeste Miller. Raymond MS musicians Carlton & Maurice Turner aka M.U.G.A.B.E.E. (Men Under Guidance Acting Before Early Extinction) have lit fires inside my music for many years. Percussionist Beverly Botsford and I take students on multi-lingual musical journeys. And the Ukulele Ladies, aka Ann Kilkelly & Carol Burch Brown, have been favorite instigators of wild and crazy theatrical productions. In the summer of 2011, we celebrated Alternate ROOTS 35th anniversary with ROOTSFest in West Baltimore on the Highway to Nowhere. In 2016 ROOTS celebrated the 40th anniversary, since our founding at the Highlander Center.

ROOTSFest 2011, Baltimore MD